DKOMS IT Services

DKOMS Terms of Service

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Terms and Conditions

Subject of the Agreement

VPS Server Rental – Private Hosting

  • The VPS is a Virtual Server with full administration rights. It requires sound knowledge of administering server systems. The service allows You to operate a single virtual server, with performance characteristics that depend on the server model chosen by You from Our range of models.
  • Each server forms a standalone system with its own management and configuration, and is operated independently of Your other platforms.

Your Obligations

  • As a server administrator, You are responsible for securing the server against unwanted attacks and manipulation by third parties.
  • You alone are responsible for updating the operating systems and application software installed on the server at your own cost and risk.
  • You are responsible for installing reliable security software and keeping it updated to prevent hackers from abusing insufficiently secured or “open” networks.
  • You agree to configure your programs to automatically restart when the hardware or operating system restarts.

Our Obligations

  • DKOMS shall provide the server with only our supported operating systems.

Our rights

Access rights

  • Access to the server is limited to You and the persons You have authorised. DKOMS has no regular access to the content of Your virtual server (N/A with Managed Services see below). In particular, DKOMS has no administrative access to Your virtual server, other than the KVM console via the Control Panel.
  • In order to resolve technical incidents, Fasthosts may remotely access the physical servers on which the server is located and, therefore, Fasthosts may have access to Your content. In this case, suppliers shall only be permitted to perform the work that is required to resolve the incident.

Access and Cancellation Rights

  • Cancellation of Contract after 6 Months of Disuse: DKOMS reserve the right to cancel the Virtual Private Server if You have not purchased or consumed any resources for a period of greater than six months.

Temporary Interruption of the Service

  • VPS forms part of a complex hardware platform that manages all of the servers that share the infrastructure. DKOMS reserve the right partially or completely interrupt provision of the service in the case of: Excessive consumption of resources; Other disruptions that can be traced to You that are observed to be impairing the performance of the platform on which the resource is located-infringing on the rights of third parties that share the infrastructure.
  • In such cases, DKOMS shall notify You so that You can resolve the issue in question. During this time, DKOMS will temporarily suspend provision of the service. Should the problem occur again after the service is restored DKOMS reserve the right to cancel Your server service without notice.


  • The contractual fee for VPS consists of a monthly basic fee that depends on the selected virtual server model and reflects the available vCPU performance and the amount of RAM and Storage space. This component is billed each month in advance.
  • The basic fee for the service is charged regardless of your actual use of the service and regardless of whether your server is switched on or off. There are also other components that are billed regardless of whether the server is switched on or off, for example additional IP addresses.

Managed Hosting

  • When buying a VPS with Managed Services your terms will be provided when quoted.

Shared Hosting

  • When buying shared hosting services your terms will be provided when quoted.

Please note: Your hosting services will be cancelled if your bill is not settled within 30 days of the date your bill is issued.

Web Design Terms
These Terms & Conditions form part of the contract established between DKOMS and the client
The Client ­- you, or your company
The Service Provider – DKOMS
The Project ­- the work that is being undertaken as agreed to by the client and DKOMS

The client agrees to supply DKOMS with all requested material to complete the project, which may include, but is not limited to:
    Any WordPress administrator login credentials
    Any relevant login credentials for third party services such as existing hosting or domain name registrars

The client agrees that any material provided to DKOMS for completion of the project can be used with full permission of the original author or is owned by the client. The Client agrees that in the event a claim under copyright law as a result of using the supplied media and content is brought against the client then DKOMS will be held harmless from said claim and additionally protected and defended by the client at his/her own cost.


There are no guarantees given when conducting SEO work. DKOMS cannot know the search engines algorithms. Therefore any SEO work undertaken is done on the assumption that obtaining desired rankings for the clients’ keyword campaign isn’t guaranteed.

Remote Support and General Support Terms

Support Terms

    • It is your responsibility to ensure you(r business) have (a) verified backup(s) of your data BEFORE DKOMS performs any work on your equiptment or applications.
    • DKOMS is not responsible for (unless contractually obligated) the protection of or any loss of data resulting from any work undertaken.
    • Remote Support is charged in 60 minute segments.
    • Out of Hours (6PM to 8AM) support calls are subject to an Out of Hours Support Charge of £40.00 for the first 30 minutes and the standard £40 p/h support charge runs concurrently. If you have a pre-agreed Support Agreement with DKOMS then your prior agreed terms will take precedence.
    • By using our services you agree to these terms.
    • Last updated: 28 February 2023

Copyright Notice

All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, trademarks and brands does not imply endorsement.


DKOMS reserves the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms at any time by posting the amended Terms.

Contact DKOMS

Have a project you’re interested in discussing with DKOMS or need some technical advice?

Contact DKOMS for a free consultation!


DKOMS can be reached by any of the following methods:

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